Jesper Krijgsman

Nice to meet you

Jesper Krijgsman was born in 1992 and lived in Switzerland, where he worked as a graphic designer and artist. He was named a Top Talent by Adobe in 2019 and his work hangs in galleries worldwide.

By photographing, editing everything himself and, above all, learning about the subjects he photographs, his bond
with the natural world strengthened.

His process consists of photography and image editing. He photographs each flower or plant separately and while editing them he often discovers new details in shapes, colors and textures. These photographed natural elements are then digitally merged to create detailed worlds that depict scenes that magnify the mystical qualities of the natural world.

Jesper Krijgsman's supernatural landscapes are places where biology and dreams merge. His work represents both the artist's daydreams and the intelligence and magic that nature possesses. He hopes that his vision contributes to the realization that the natural world is full of wonders and that we should treat it with more love.

I consider the creativity in the evolution of flora and fauna to be something that is almost magical. The ingenuity of many life forms is something that is often overlooked by many. This sense of wonder is what I want to show in my work and celebrate the diversity of nature by enhancing its mystical qualities

Some designs by Jesper

A selection from this artist's collection