Zenja Gammer

Nice to meet you

At the age of 15, Zenja Gammer installed Photoshop on his computer, without knowing that this was the beginning of a deep passion for digital art. This early fascination led him to a creative career and he graduated as a visual designer in Amsterdam. Today, he is a full-time visual designer under the name Zenzdesign, teaches Photoshop and is a dedicated digital artist. His work mainly focuses on creating art with animals and other creatures.

Zenja was inspired by the photos of wildlife photographers he came across on social media. The breathtaking images of wild animals piqued his curiosity and made him long for a deeper involvement in wildlife photography. Although he made several attempts to photograph wildlife himself, it proved to be a challenging task due to the lack of real wildlife locations in his area. This led him to focus on editing photos of other wildlife photographers.

The editing process intrigued Zenja so much that he studied and edited photos on a daily basis. This led him to develop a unique style using real photos as a basis. His inspiration comes from authentic images, and although there is sometimes a touch of fantasy in his work, he strives to make his creations almost indistinguishable from real photos.

Today, Zenja's work is sold worldwide, both online and in physical stores. In addition to creating art for interiors, he has also designed several children's books. One of these books won the prestigious Good Design Award in Australia in 2021. He also runs a YouTube channel where he teaches others the tricks of Adobe Photoshop. Zenja's passion lies not only in designing, but also in passing on his knowledge and love for art.

At the age of 15, Zenja Gammer installed Photoshop on his computer, not knowing that this was the beginning of a deep passion for digital art.

Some designs by Zenja

A selection from this artist's collection