Despite the shrill contrast between the natural beauty of the beach and the old rusty industry in the background, the boy felt a sense of freedom and excitement when he started running. His feet pounded against the sand, his arms pumped his side and his heart raged from the adrenaline.
As he continued to run, the boy started to feel connected to the beach and the industry in the background. He realized that both parts of the world were necessary and could co -exist in harmony. The industry supplied jobs, goods and services to people around the world, while the beach offered a space for people to get in touch with nature and find peace.
In this mixed media artwork I have mixed acrylic paint with layers of magazine collage for the top of the work. As a result, many small print are visible, especially if the work is printed in large format. For the beach and water part I also used magazines paper, so that texts and letters are still visible through the acrylic paint. Over the collage I have painted the rusty industrial parts, the water and the youngsters with acrylic paint, combined with pastel chalk. The painting contains many small details.